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UltraStrip 2" & 3" Stripping Discs
XtraStrip Stripping Disc
UltraStrip 2" & 3" Stripping Disc

This disc is made with High Performance Red material designed to cut faster and last longer than traditional black material. Outlasts traditional black material 3 to 1, especially on sharp edges and corners. Rigid, dense structure helps to surpass performance vs purple material discs. Heavy duty stripping capability for cleaning welds and removing scale or rust.

Made in Italy

  • For cleaning welds and fast removal or rust, scaling, oxidation, paints, sealants and other clogging materials
  • More rigid and dense structure, better than the purple material discs
  • Outlasts traditional black material 3 to 1, especially on sharp edges or corners
  • Heavy abrasive and resin structure
  • Fast cutting action, especially for high pressure applications
  • 2" = 10,500 Max RPM
  • 3" = 7,000 Max RPM
  • Made in Italy

Item# Item Name Our Price Qty Add
2SD-RED UltraStrip 2" Stripping Disc (10 @ $1.65)
3SD-RED UltraStrip 3" Stripping Disc (10 @ $1.95)
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